🧑🏼🎓 This list shows possible topics related to the product development of Phont that can be researched within the academic framework of a thesis, for example. If you are a student, doctoral candidate or professor and are interested in such a topic, please contact us. As a completely new product, we offer some exciting fields of research in various disciplines.
Media | Data
- Background Noise Analysis
- Coding a Background Noises Visualization System
- Music Analysis
- Coding Music Visualization System
- Coding a Parametric Design Output within a User Interface
- Measure Plot Relevance of Soundbites
Neuro | Behaviour | Psychology | Inclusion
- Neural Load vs. Acceptance of Creative Captioning
- Neural Load vs. Acceptance of Creative Captioning of certain target groups (e.g. hearing impaired)
- Added value of Creative Captioning
- Investigation of color interpretation in relation to subtitles
- Investigation of font interpretation in relation to subtitles
- Investigation of motion design interpretation in relation to subtitles
- Synaesthatic Study on the visualization of auditory speech events